Digital Identifier:
In July 1997 Development Workshop performed a study on scavenging activities in the city of Luanda. The study was performed to gather concrete and accurate information; and to dispel misconceptions on scavenging activities. The objective of the study was to identify which items are being scavenged; who is scavenging; where scavenging is occurring; and what is done with the scavenged items. With this information it would be possible to assess the possibilities of reducing the volume of household waste and possible areas for job creation or future project interventions.
Date Created:
Date Coverage:
- 1990s
Intellectual Rights:
Object Type:
Object Material:
Location of Original:
- Luanda
Restrictions on Access:
This item is provided under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial: Please credit Development Workshop Digital Archive. Permission to publish; copy; or otherwise use this material for commercial purposes must be obtained from Development Workshop.